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                BANKING MCQS TEST

      I.        A commercial bank keeps less reserve if

         * Cheque is used in most of the transaction             * Clearing house facility is available

            * Rediscounting facility is available                           * all of these

    II.        An endorsement is said to be Restrictive endorsement, if the endorser

         * signs his name only                                              * adds a direction to pay the amount

             * Restricts or excludes further negotiation              * None of these

   III.        Stale cheque is

             *       Older than six months                                     *    Older than three months

             *       Older than one month                                     *    None of these

  IV.        Parties to cheque are

              * 3                            *  5                               *   9                                    * 8

    V.        This is a Negotiable credit instrument:

          * Cheque                  *     Money Order          *  Postal Order                  *  Share certificates

  VI.        In 1947 Pakistan’s banking system was run by:

             * Bank of England                                                  * State Bank of Pakistan  

             * Reserve Bank of India                                         * All of these

 VII.        Drawing two parallel lines on the top left side of a cheque is called

       * Canceling            * Crossing                      * Securing                             * None of these

VIII.        Banks registered with Central Bank are called    

        * Scheduled Bank               *  Registered  Bank                * Limited Bank          * None of these

  IX.        Issuing currency Note is the function of

         * Commercial Bank            * Statuary Bank                     * Partnership bank       * Central bank

    X.        Rediscounting of the Bill is the function of

  * Specialized Bank            * Central Bank           * Exchange bank          * Commercial Bank 

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